March 18 - 21 • Hyatt Regency Albuquerque • Albuquerque, NM

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Convention Contests and Challenges

Concurrent Sessions

Special Presentations, Workshops, and More

Featured Speakers












Convention Preview Video

Video Screen Capture
Sigma Tau Delta's Annual Convention: An Extraordinary English Experience!

Common Reader

From Sand Creek

From Sand Creek
by Simon Ortiz

Purchase From Sand Creek from Better World Books

Convention Hotel

Hyatt Regency Albuquerque - Exterior
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras NW, Albuquerque, NM

Guu'aadzi. Bienvenidos. Welcome!

With the love of comrades,
"With the love of comrades,
With the life-long love of comrades.

I will plant companionship thick as trees along all the rivers of
America, and along the shores of the great lakes, and all over
the prairies . . .” - Walt Whitman

Who better than “WW” to express sentiments that seem to get at the heart of our upcoming Sigma Tau Delta Convention in Albuquerque?

The love of comrades and the thickly planted companionship are certainly features of the convention. Where else can you be with 1,000 or so people who love language and literature as much as you do? John Green may have his Nerdfighters, but WE are the members of Sigma Tau Delta!

As you begin to pack your duffles and decide what books to take with you, be sure that you have

And just to give you a bit of a tease, here's one of this year's new convention activities. Inspired by Brandon Stanton's "Humans of New York" page, Sigma Tau Delta is proud to unveil its very own Humans of Sigma Tau Delta page at Convention 2015. We hope it inspires you as English lovers and better connects you with fellow members around the world. Share the wisdom and insights from other members by liking and sharing the posts that you love. You can follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to stay connected year-round.

Map of downtown Albuquerque

Concurrent Sessions

Program Book

Schedule Changes
Schedule Changes - 03/21/15 (PDF)

Schedule of Concurrent Sessions - 03/18/15 (PDF)

Concurrent Sessions Index of Presenters, Chairs, and Moderators - 03/18/15 (PDF)

Special Presentations, Workshops, and More

If you haven't yet checked out our schedule of special presentations and workshops, take a look and think about which one(s) you'll want to be sure to attend. We will have workshops that will appeal to a wide range of interests, including several on creative writing facilitated by published authors/teachers who are also Sigma Tau Delta members. One workshop will focus on creative writing and the convention Borderlands and Enchantments theme, while another will guide participants in fabulism and modern fairytales. Susan de la Vergne (who was with us in Portland in 2013) will again join us in presenting a workshop on how English majors can best present themselves to the business community when job searching. We'll also have a panel presentation led by a half-dozen authors with new publications who will discuss the paths they have taken to get their work published (and all of them are Sigma Tau Delta members!). Our partner organizations, Sigma Kappa Delta and National English Honor Society will also have special workshops and panels and will fill out our schedule.

To be sure you are prepared for Albuquerque, read the University of New Mexico (UNM) student suggestions about places that are "must visits," dust off your bad poetry, and get your chapter T-shirts designed and printed. Don't forget to bring your latest work for the Open Mic night. There will be plenty to keep us busy and entertained, and I look forward to sharing this year's convention with you.

Sarah Dangelantonio
2015 Convention Chair

Featured Speakers

Gary Soto
Simon Ortiz
Leslie Marmon Silko
Gary Soto
Wednesday, March 18
Simon Ortiz
Thursday, March 19
Leslie Marmon Silko
Saturday, March 21

Fort Hays Summers-Only MA Program
JC's New York Pizza Department