Scholarships and Academic Awards
Annually, Sigma Tau Delta offers a variety of scholarships valued at up to $6,000 each. Members who submit a carefully written, complete application that adheres closely to the application instructions for each section are significantly more likely to receive an award. Completing the application process is also excellent practice for those planning to attend graduate school or apply for a job. Applications are judged based on academics, service, and quality of writing.
How to Apply

Applications for Scholarships and Academic Awards are accepted through AwardSpring. The link to access the Sigma Tau Delta AwardSpring platform will be posted on the AwardSpring Application informational page of our website during each active Awards Cycle.
If you are using AwardSpring for the first time, you must create an account by clicking "Register." If you have used AwardSpring previously, you should use login using your email address and existing password.
View the Awards Overview page for the Scholarships and Academic Awards application windows.
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