Sigma Tau Delta Student Leadership Presents: The 100 for 100
To honor Sigma Tau Delta's 100th anniversary, the Alpha Epsilon Alpha Chapter members at The College of New Jersey, led by Sigma Tau Delta Eastern Region Student Representative Zoe Talbot, have committed themselves to completing 100 hours of service leading up to the kick-off of the Centennial at the 2024 Convention in St. Louis, MO. These hours will be completed both within the organization and in collaboration with other organizations, with the overall goal of spreading a love of literacy.
Sigma Tau Delta invites you to find your chapter's "hundred." Count hours, dollars, pennies, acts, or materials. Service ideas include book donations, fundraising drives, Banned Books Week activities and awareness, engagement with DEI celebrations and heritage months, collection of canned goods or toiletries, on-campus volunteer hours, or tutoring. Or consider building your 100 around partnerships with other organizations on your campus or in your city or state.
If your chapter participates, please share details about your activities or members using #Deltans100for100 to show us how you decide to #HonorYourHundred. We also invite you to send comments, questions, or photos to your Student Representatives directly.